Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tasty Salmon Recipes.

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While working through this fishing tackle box I came across these recipies that I thought you might enjoy as much as we have.

1/  Boiled salmon.
Ingredients:- 6 oz. of salt to each gallon of water, sufficient water to cover the fish.

Mode:- Scale and clean the fish, and be particular that no blood is left inside; lay it in the fish-kettle with sufficient cold water to cover it, adding salt in the above proportion. Bring it quickly to a boil, take off all the scum, and let it simmer gently till the fish is done, which will be when the meat separates easily from the bone.

 Experience alone can teach the cook to fix the time for boiling fish; but it is especially to be remembered, that it should never be underdressed, as then nothing is more unwholesome. Neither let it remain in the kettle after it is sufficiently cooked, as that would render it insipid, watery, and colourless. Drain it, and if not wanted for a few minutes, keep it warm by means of warm cloths laid over it.

 Serve on a hot napkin, garnish with cut lemon and parsley, and send lobster or shrimp sauce, and plain melted butter to table with it. A dish of dressed cucumber usually accompanies this fish. Time. 8 minutes to each lb. for large thick salmon; 6 minutes for thin fish.

Note. Cut lemon should be put on the table with this fish; and a little of the juice squeezed over it is considered by many persons a most agreeable addition. Boiled peas are also, by some connoisseurs, considered especially adapted to be served with salmon.

2/  Salmon and caper sauce.

Ingredients:- 2 slices of salmon, 1/4 lb. batter, 1/2 teaspoonful of chopped parsley, 1 shalot; salt, pepper, and grated nutmeg to taste.

Mode:- Lay the salmon in a baking-dish, place pieces of butter over it, and add the other ingredients, rubbing a little of the seasoning into the fish; baste it frequently; when done, take it out and drain for a minute or two; lay it in a dish, pour caper sauce over it, and serve. Salmon dressed in this way, with tomato sauce, is very delicious.
Time. About 3/4 hour.

3/  Collared salmon.

Ingredients:- A piece of salmon, say 3 lbs., a high seasoning of salt, pounded mace, and pepper; water and vinegar, 3 bay-leaves.
Mode:- Split the fish; scale, bone, and wash it thoroughly clean; wipe it, and rub in the seasoning inside and out; roll it up, and bind firmly; lay it in a kettle, cover it with vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar, in proportion to the water); add the bay-leaves and a good seasoning of salt and whole pepper, and simmer till done. Do not remove the lid. Serve with melted butter or anchovy sauce. For preserving the collared fish, boil up the liquor in which it was cooked, and add a little more vinegar. Pour over when cold.
Time. 3/4 hour, or rather more.

4/  Curried salmon.

Ingredients:- Any remains of boiled salmon, 3/4 pint of strong or medium stock, 1 onion, 1 tablespoonful of curry-powder, 1 teaspoonful of Harvey's sauce, 1 teaspoonful of anchovy sauce, 1 oz. of butter, the juice of 1/2 lemon, cayenne and salt to taste. Mode:- Cut up the onions into small pieces, and fry them of a pale brown in the butter; add all the ingredients but the salmon, and simmer gently till the onion is tender, occasionally stirring the contents; cut the salmon into small square pieces, carefully take away all skin and bone, lay it in the stewpan, and let it gradually heat through; but do not allow it to boil long.
Time. 3/4 hour.

5/  Salmon cutlets.

Cut the slices 1 inch thick, and season them with pepper and salt; butter a sheet of white paper, lay each slice on a separate piece, with their ends twisted; broil gently over a clear fire, and serve with anchovy or caper sauce. When higher seasoning is required, add a few chopped herbs and a little spice.
Time. 5 to 10 minutes.

6/  Salmon a la genevese.

Ingredients:- 2 slices of salmon, 2 chopped shalots, a little parsley, a small bunch of herbs, 2 bay-leaves, 2 carrots, pounded mace, pepper and salt to taste, 4 tablespoonfuls of Madeira, 1/2 pint of white stock, thickening of butter and flour, 1 teaspoonful of essence of anchovies, the juice of 1 lemon, cayenne and salt to taste.

Mode:- Rub the bottom of a stewpan over with butter, and put in the shalots, herbs, bay-leaves, carrots, mace, and seasoning; stir them for 10 minutes over a clear fire, and add the Madeira or sherry; simmer gently for 1/2 hour, and strain through a sieve over the fish, which stew in this gravy. As soon as the fish is sufficiently cooked, take away all the liquor, except a little to keep the salmon moist, and put it into another stewn; add the stock, thicken with butter and flour, and put in the anchovies, lemon-juice, cayenne, and salt; lay the salmon on a hot dish, pour over it part of the sauce, and serve the remainder in a tureen.
Time. 1-1/4 hour.

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Enjoy this one!


Thursday, June 24, 2010


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To boil lobsters.
Ingredients:- 1/4 lb. of salt to each gallon of water.
Method: - Medium-sized lobsters are the best. Have ready a stew pan of boiling water, salted in the above proportion; put in the lobster, and keep it boiling quickly from 20 minutes to 3/4 hour, according to its size, and do not forget to skim well. If it boils too long, the meat becomes ready, and if not done enough, the spawn is not red: this must be obviated by great attention. Hub the shell over with a little butter or sweet oil, which wipe off again. Time. Small lobster, 20 minutes to 1/2 hour; large ditto, 1/2 to 1/3 hour.

Hot lobster.
Ingredients:- 1 lobster, 2 oz. of butter, grated nutmeg; salt, pepper, and pounded mace, to taste; bread crumbs, 2 eggs.

Method :- Pound the meat of the lobster to a smooth paste with the butter and seasoning, and add a few bread crumbs. Beat the eggs, and make the whole mixture into the form of a lobster; pound the spawn, and sprinkle over it. Bake 1/4 hour, and just before serving, lay over it the tail and body shell, with the small claws underneath, to resemble a lobster. Time. 1/4 hour.

Lobster salad

Ingredients:- 1 hen lobster, lettuces, endive, small salad (whatever is in season), a little chopped beetroot, 2 hard-boiled eggs, a few slices of cucumber. For dressing, equal quantities of oil and vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of made mustard, the yolks of 2 eggs; cayenne and salt to taste; 3 teaspoonful of anchovy sauce. These ingredients should be mixed perfectly smooth, and form a creamy-looking sauce.

method:- Wash the salad, and thoroughly dry it by shaking it in a cloth. Cut up the lettuces and endive, pour the dressing on them, and lightly throw in the small salad. Mix all well together with the pickings from the body of the lobster; pick the meat from the shell, cut it up into nice square pieces, put half in the salad, the other half reserve for garnishing. Separate the yolks from the whites of 2 hard-boiled eggs; chop the whites very fine, and rub the yolks through a sieve, and afterwards the coral from the inside. Arrange the salad lightly on a glass dish, and garnish, first with a row of sliced cucumber, then with the pieces of lobster, the yolks and whites of the eggs, coral, and beetroot placed alternately, and arranged in small separate bunches, so that the colours contrast nicely.

Note. A few crayfish make a pretty garnishing to lobster salad.

Lobster (a la mode francaise).

Ingredients:- 1 lobster, 4 tablespoonfuls of white stock, 2 tablespoonfuls of cream, pounded mace, and cayenne to taste; bread crumbs.

method:- Pick the meat from the shell, and cut it up into small square pieces; put the stock, cream, and seasoning into a stewpan, add the lobster, and let it simmer gently for 6 minutes. Serve it in the shell, which must be nicely cleaned, and have a border of puff-paste; cover it with bread crumbs, place small pieces of butter over, and brown before the fire, or with a salamander. Time. 1/4 hour.

Lobster curry (an Entree).

Ingredients:- 1 lobster, 2 onions, 1 oz. butter, 1 tablespoonful of curry-powder, 1/2 pint of medium stock, the juice of 1/2 lemon.

method: - Pick the meat from the shell, and cut it into nice square pieces; fry the onions of a pale brown in the butter, stir in the curry-powder and stock, and simmer till it thickens, when put in the lobster; stew the whole slowly for 1/2 hour, and stir occasionally; and just before sending to table, put in the lemon-juice. Serve boiled rice with it, the same as for other curries. Time. Altogether, 3/4 hour.

Lobster cutlets (an Entree).

Ingredients:- 1 large hen lobster, 1 oz. fresh butter, 1/2 saltspoonful of salt, pounded mace, grated nutmeg, cayenne and white pepper to taste, egg, and bread crumbs.

method:- Pick the meat from the shell, and pound it in a mortar with the butter, and gradually add the mace and seasoning, well mixing the ingredients; beat all to a smooth paste, and add a little of the spawn; divide the mixture into pieces of an equal size, and shape them like cutlets. They should not be very thick. Brush them over with egg, and sprinkle with bread crumbs, and stick a short piece of the small claw in the top of each; fry them of a nice brown in boiling lard, and drain them before the fire, on a sieve reversed; arrange them nicely on a dish, and pour bechamel in the middle, but not over the cutlets. Time. About 8 minutes after the cutlets are made.

Lobster patties (an Entree).

Ingredients:- Minced lobster, 4 tablespoonfuls of bechamel, 6 drops of anchovy sauce, lemon-juice, cayenne to taste.

method:- Line the patty-pans with puff-paste, and put into each a small piece of bread: cover with paste, brush over with egg, and bake of a light colour. Take as much lobster as is required, mince the meat very fine, and add the above ingredients; stir it over the fire for 6 minutes; remove the lids of the patty-cases, take out the bread, fill with the mixture, and replace the covers.

Potted lobster.

Ingredients:- 2 lobsters; seasoning to taste, of nutmeg, pounded mace, white pepper, and salt; 1/4 lb. of butter, 3 or 4 bay-leaves.

method:- Take out the meat carefully from the shell, but do not cut it up. Put some butter at the bottom of a dish, lay in the lobster as evenly as possible, with the bay-leaves and seasoning between. Cover with butter, and bake for 3/4 hour in a gentle oven. When done, drain the whole on a sieve, and lay the pieces in potting-jars, with the seasoning about them. When cold, pour over it clarified butter, and, if very highly seasoned, it will keep some time. Time. 3/4 hour.

Learn How To Create Endless Websites With The Single Click of a Button... for Free!


By now I'm sure you've heard some great things about Matt Callen's new viral marketing and website building software, HyperVRE.

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As if the software wasn't already extremely powerful, Matt just keeps adding more and more requested features to it. Anyway, here is a brief list of what the software can do for you:

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Oh yeah... and the best part about this software - it's Free... at least for now anyway.

Matt's got several demos at the website to show you exactly what the software can do for you, so I highly suggest that you take a few minutes

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I can't understand how this will be free for much longer. So if I were you, I'd at least go see what it's all about now.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Buying an anchor

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The right way to use an anchor is probably one of the least understood areas of boating. If you are

new to boating, you may be thinking - how hard can it be? You simply throw the anchor in the water,

wait until it its the bottom, then tie it off, correct?

Anyone who is experienced with boating has probably seen the types of problems that type of attitude

can cause. Just like everything else in boating, anchoring requires the right equipment, careful

thought, and a lot of practice.

The starting point is selecting the right ground tackle (the proper term for the anchor, line, chain,

shackles and swivels) for your boat and your style of boating. There is no single anchor that will do

everything perfectly. Each style has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, and each one performs

best under its given conditions.

The Danforth anchor

The Danforth anchor is one of the most popular, being easily identified by its two long, sharp pivoting
flukes and long shank. The Danforth is also a great choice for small to medium sized boats as well.
The anchor is light and easy to store, digs well into sand and mud, and releases easy when
pulled from different directions. The flukes on the Danforth pivot so that the shank can be pulled at a
more vertical angle. It's ideal for fishing, which requires quick release and moving around to different
locations. If you fish overnight a lot or travel to different areas of water you may want to consider a
different anchor, which will hold better in changing conditions.

The plow anchor
The CQR, or plow anchor, features a single shaped luke that pivots at the end of the shank. This
design works well on many bottoms. The plow shank pivots from side to side, while remaining parallel
to the fluke. This design also makes releasing a snap when the anchor is pulled vertically.

The Bruce anchor

This anchor was originally created for offshore gas and drilling rigs. The more scaled down version of
this anchor is popular with boaters. The anchor holds fast, yet it will still come loose when pulled
Always make sure to select an anchor system that matches the length of your boat, displacement, and
the windage. If your looking for strength, elasticity and durability, you should use only top quality
braided nylon anchor line. It's very important that the size and length of your anchor line is appropriate
for your boat and it's requirements. Small or medium boats should use a section of galvanized steel
chain between the line and the anchor.
If you are new to boating, anchoring is something you should become familiar with. As you use your
boat more, you'll pick up the proper anchoring techniques. Or, if you prefer, you can always take
classes and learn everything you need to know about anchoring from a qualified professional.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Buying Inflatable Boats

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As you are probably already aware of, inflatable boats are very popular today. Each distinct group of inflatable boat is designed for a specific use and therefore equipped with different components and equipment.

If you are looking for a small boat to get you from your ship to the shore, a typical inflatable boat is the best answer. If you are looking for a medium sized boat for diving or swimming, there are many choices in that area as well. For recreation or rescue work, there are large inflatable boats available as well.

The location of a reputable dealer is very important, as you don't want to travel too far to get an inflatable boat. Whether you need parts, repairs, or just technical support - a close dealer can also be a close friend. As a new boat owner, you may also have questions, need to claim your warranty, or just need regular servicing. No matter how you look at it, a close dealer is always better than having to travel.

Many years ago, inflatable boats were the most expensive types of boats and only a small amount of people could even afford them. The reason for this, was the use of exotic materials and the numerous hours of hand labor that went into their construction.

Today, there are machines that do a majority of the construction work. Zodiac and its sister company Sevylor, are the leading low cost producers today thanks to technology. You can even finance
an inflatable boat if you need to, making them available to almost everyone now.

You may have heard claims from all competitors, with each one promising they have the best or even the longest warranty. A few years ago, a company offered a lifetime warranty - although they soon disappeared shortly thereafter. Many manufacturers will use an attractive warranty to substitute for quality or even proper boat design.

In the back of your mind, you should be sure that the company you buy from will be around long enough to deliver on their warranty. Zodiac has been building inflatable boats for over 50 years, and offer a limited 5 year warranty on their inflatable boats. Therefore, Zodiak is one of the best you can buy today.

With all inflatable boats, you should know which type you want before you purchase. You can always look around and see what each dealer offer, then plan your purchase accordingly. An inflatable boat is great to have, especially for those who own big ships and vessels. You can't go wrong with these boats either - as they serve many different useful purposes.


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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Buying Boat Insurance

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Those of you who own boat will want to make sure you get watercraft coverage. Often times, people
don't realize that they need this type of coveragefor their boats. There are many boat owners that
don't even realize this type of insurance is even available.

You need boat insurance if you own a boat, it's that simple. Before you buy boat insurance, here
are some things you simply must know.

- Many states now require that you carry watercraft liability coverage. What this coverage does, is
protect you against any damage that you cause to other people or their property with your boat. This
insurance will also cover you for vandalism, theft, fire, stranding, sinking, and even collision. You
should always call your insurance agent and see what's required with your state and what policies
they cover.
- There is also optional coverage that you should really consider. One type of coverage that you
should strongly consider is Wreckage Removal. In most areas, the removal of sunken or wrecked
boats is required by law, and the responsibility of the owner to pay for the removal, which can
easily be very expensive.
Wreckage Removal coverage will pay these costs for you. You should also consider adding coverage
that will pay for repairs and mechanical failure as well, along with towing charges - should you
ever need to be towed back to the shore.

- Not all insurance companies cover everyone who operates the boat. This is something you should
always ask about, find out who is covered when operating the boat. There are several companies
that will only cover the owner of the boat. Make sure that the insurance agent defines who is
covered when operating the boat.

- When you shop for boat insurance, call your current company first, then check with other
companies to see what type of rates they offer as well. Always remember that insurance agencies
are in competition with each other, and they'll work with you to get you to join them. Let one
know about a better rate that you've been quoted and see if they'll go one better.

Before you shop for boat insurance, think about the investment you have made with your boat. Boats
are not cheap, replacing or repairing them isn't cheap either. Therefore, you should always make
sure you get the coverage you need to protect you against anything that happens with your boat.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Buying A Cruising Yacht

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Everyone out there likes the idea of a shiny new boat. While buying a new yacht is an accomplishment in itself, you shouldn't spend over your budget then be unable to take it anywhere. When you buy a yacht, always look at what comes with the boat and decide if it's everything you want.
Types of construction
1/   Steel
Steel is always a great idea, as it is by far the strongest material. There have been steel boats ran into reefs and banks and received just a few mere scratches. Even though steel has many advantages, rust is the true enemy here. You must keep all surfaces thoroughly painted, primed, and ready to avoid all types of rust.

2/  Aluminum
Although rare in the normal cruising market, aluminum is very popular with the construction of top quality custom built yachts. If you are looking for an aluminum constructed yacht, always make sure that it wasn't constructed by an amateur yacht builder - as this can cause major problems later on down the road.

3/  GRP
Almost all cruising yachts out there today are made of GRP construction. GRP material is long lasting,strong, and easy to repair. Osmosis is the only real problem here, as the blisters it leaves can be sometimes costly to repair.

4/   Rigs
The most popular choices of yacht rigs include sloop, cutter, and ketch - in that particular order. Sloop has the virtue of simplicity, while ketch and cutter rigs will split the sail plan into more easily managed areas. A ketch rig can sail under mizzen and headsail alone, while cutter rigs can offer a simple twin headsail with downwind option.

Essentials versus desirables
Even though it's the most traditional building material, wood still has a lot to offer. If you get the right kind of wood, it can last just as long as any other type of material. The maintenence costs are very high with wood, especially if you do your own painting.
Concrete type boats have been around for a long time. A cheap method of hull construction, it was very popular in the 70's. If done properly, it can be a very strong method of yacht construction.

Before you begin looking for a yacht, make a list of what you must have then make a list of what would be nice to have. There are many additions and add-ons you can get for yachts, although they can get very expensive in a hurry.

When you shop for a yacht, always plan out your budget before you even start looking. A nice yacht can cost a lot of money, which is something you may need to save up for. Yachts are great to sail on, especially for those who have a lot of money to spare.

By now I'm sure you've heard some great things about Matt Callen's new viral marketing and website building software, HyperVRE.But if not, I wanted to fill you in on what all the great talk is about, and tell you briefly about some of the new features that Matt's added to the latest update to HyperVRE.As if the software wasn't already extremely powerful, Matt just keeps adding more and more requested features to it. Anyway, here is a brief list of what the software can do for you:- Generate thousands of fresh, unique content-rich WebPages from highly-targeted keyword lists of your choice

- Keep your WebPages fresh with unique content by placing several rotating RSS feeds to ensure that all WebPages are unique and highly related to the topic

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Plus way more than I can list here...
Oh yeah... and the best part about this software - it's Free... at least for now anyway.

Matt's got several demos at the website to show you exactly what the software can do for you, so I highly suggest that you take a few minutes from whatever you're doing right now, and go check them out.

I can't understand how this will be free for much longer. So if I were you, I'd at least go see what it's all about now.

To Your success