Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Making your own fishing tackle.

Hi and welcome to the fishing tackle box.

Fishing is no longer an inexpensive recreation. At least, it is not if one has to acquire every item of fishing tackle over the tackle –shop counter.

Fortunately, however, this is not necessary.Any angler who is at all handy can make quite a lot of his fishing tackle himself, at small cost perhaps at no cost at all.The extent of your fishing tackle making will depend, of course, on your aptitude for making things and the tools at your disposal, but there can be few anglers incapable of making some items of fishing tackle.

Most of the innovations in fishing tackle equipment have been pioneered by amateurs.
In fact, I believe that the fore-runner of the modern fixed- spool fishing reel was an amateur-made device constructed from “Meccano” parts!

More than one name has been immortalized in the fishing world by some device made on the kitchen table.

The development of fishing techniques and fishing tackle is a story of continuing advance from the early days of simple fixed line fishing rods to the invention of the fishing reel, and from then to the ever improving modern tackle and methods of using it

Good quality fishing tackle is as important to an angler as a well tuned instrument is to a musician: the limits to your fishing performance should be determined by your ability, not by any inadequacy of your fishing tackle.

One of the great things about fishing and making your own fishing tackle is that you never stop learning. What catches fish today seldom catches tomorrow,so to be consistently successful as an angler you must be prepared to watch,learn,and improve on your fishing tackle techniques at all times.

You will get more out of the sport if you are prepared to try different fishing tackle techniques and styles of fishing to those you already practise. Maybe you only fish a river or a sandy beach now, but as time goes by, your fishing horizon will broaden and fishing that appears to be an impossibility today may become reality in the future.

In addition, by exploring different aspects of the sport you will increase your knowledge and enjoyment of it dramatically.One of the finest ways of broadening your fishing horizons is by reading and of course using this fishing tackle box.

You will find fishing magazines, fishing tackle and fishing books, humour and a wealth of information just waiting to be tapped.
You will find them if you look under the recommend lists.
Most anglers,however,specialize in particular forms of fishing and to find a book with every major aspect of the sport within its covers is rare.

You can have the best fishing rods, reels lines and hooks in the world,but you will never catch fish unless you have good baits and and know how to use them There are books that tell you how to choose and use natural and processed fishing baits for fresh water fishing, and how to mix freshwater ground bait.

There are books on artificial fishing bait,including spinners, spoons and plugs and filled with practical advice on the use of fishing lures in fresh water and saltwater.

Fishing flies whether the natural insects or artificial patterns,are also fishing baits but because of their complexity they will be investigated separately

If you have possably come across a book or article that you feel could add to this fishing tackle box please don’t hesitate to contact me or make a comment anyway,Thanks.

If you feel a few handy D.I.Y tips and different crafts would be interesting, visit

Enjoy your fishing

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