Friday, November 5, 2010

What Baits Should You Have With Your Sea Fishing Tackle?

This is always a debatable question
Why do some people catch more consistantly than others and I have a fun experience to share with you,well maybe later.

The bait is an essential part of sea fishing tackle. A fisherman should always have bait with him whenever he sets out to sea to fish.

The bait is a very important part of a fisherman’s sea fishing tackle. The specific reason for this is that it is the one that lures the fish to the hook and catches it. Without any bait in his sea fishing tackle, a fisherman cannot hope to return from his fishing trip with any catch at all.    

In general, there are three types of bait that fishermen can keep in their sea fishing tackle. One type is live bait. As the name suggests, live bait are living creatures attached to the hook and used to lure the fish. Oftentimes, live baits are natural food of the fish the fisherman is aiming to catch. Freshwater fishermen tend to use earthworms, insects, grubs, minnows, crayfish and frogs as live bait. Saltwater fishermen, on the other hand, sometimes use small fish to attract the big catch available at sea.   

The second type of bait is the prepared bait. Prepared baits used by fishermen include kernel corns, cheese or bread balls, salmon eggs, hotdogs, chicken entrails and the like. Saltwater fishermen often keep strips of fish belly in their sea fishing tackle to use as prepared bait.
The third type of bait is the artificial bait. These could be made of plastic, cloth, nylon or metal. Jigs, spinners, spoons, plastic worms and insects, and the like are all artificial baits. Most saltwater fishermen have a supply of jigs in their sea fishing tackle box.

What type of bait would work when you go saltwater fishing. It all depends on the fish you are planning to catch. A lot of fishermen swear by live bait, and some game fish do go for specific types of live bait. Fish tend to bite more eagerly at squirming live bait.

Artificial baits also work wonders on saltwater fishing trips. The key is to present them as naturally as possible to increase the chances of fish having a go at them. The weight of the lure often depends on the depth of the waters being fished, but the lure should not be too heavy, or else it would not look natural to the fish.

Many fishermen claim that fish have a keen sense of smell. Such fishermen always advise washing of hands before handling bait so that the human smell of one’s hands would not cling to the bait. Fish can sense human scent on bait and, wary creatures as they are, would not bite anything that smells human.

As much as possible, you should always have a few jigs in your sea fishing tackle box. However, what if you forgot to bring your bait when you set out for your fishing trip? In that case, you should learn to improvise. There was a story about a fisherman who forgot his bait once. To remedy the problem, he tore strips off his shirt and used it as bait. A big fish came biting, and once he caught that one, he used the pearly belly of his catch to create more bait.

Bait is an important part of your sea fishing tackle. You should always have some bait in your sea fishing tackle box before you go out on a fishing trip.

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